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Opera Gourmet


Vienna-Tel Aviv Vocal Connection—Singers Studio 

Israel Chamber Orchestra

Conductor: Rotem Nir

Cembalist: Almog Aharoni

Stage Director: Rosemarie Danziger

Choreographer: Itzhak Ben Meir


G. B. Pergolesi: "La serva padrona"

J. S. Bach: "Coffee Cantata"


"La serva padrona Cast:


Serpina: Efrat Ashkenazi (Soprano)

Uberto: Marc Olivier Oetterli (Baritone)

Vespone: Joel Landshut (Actor)

Chef: Amit Amssalem (Dancer)

Sous-Chef: Eran Shimshi (Dancer)

Sous Chef: Yitzhak Ben Meir (Dancer)


"Coffee Cantata" Cast:


Lizzie: Eugenia Dushina (Soprano)

Schlendrian: Marc Olivier Oetterli (Baritone)

Narrator/Journalist: Musa Nkuna/Osher Sebbag (Tenor)

Coffee House Owner: Joel Landshut (Actor)

Waiter: Eran Shimshi (Dancer)

Coffee House Guests: Amit Amssalem and Yitzhak Ben Meir (Dancers)

Photo: Charisma Pixel

Videograher: Shali Boharon

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Coffee Cantata 1.JPG
Sempre in Contrasti 2.JPG
Coffee Cantata 6.JPG
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